(Latin: end, last; limit, boundary, border)
indefinite (adjective), more indefinite, most indefinite
Relating to something that is imprecise, vague, or without a specific end: Laurel's travel plans were indefinite because everything depended on what kind of weather would exist when her trip is scheduled to begin.
indefinitely (adverb) (not comparable)
Being or appearing to be imprecise, uncertain, and vague: Jamie and Jim were indefinitely postponing their wedding plans because of the serious illness of his father.
infinite (adjective), more infinite, most infinite
Related to something that is boundless, immeasurable, or without limits: Although poor in finances, Kent's aunt possessed infinite wealth in kindness and friendship.

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infinitely (adverb), more infinitely, most infinitely
Conveying qualities that are unlimited, boundless, or lasting forever: The teacher was infinitely patient with the young child in kindergarten who was learning to tie her shoes.
infinitesimal (adjective), more infinitesimal, most infinitesimal
Resembling something that is very small or minute: Even though the infinitesimal speck Marie had in her eye was quickly removed, it had been feeling like a boulder because it was so painful.

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infinitesimally (adverb), more infinitesimally, most infinitesimally
Being or appearing to be extremely small and almost unable to be seen or detected: Even the infinitesimally small particles of dust in the air can set off an allergy detection machine in a hospital room.
1. The base or unaltered form of a verb with no tense or declension that is combined with to which is used in sentences: The character of Hamlet, in the Shakespearean play by the same name, is famous for his declaration which uses the infinitive form, "To be or not to be".
2. Etymology: "a simple, uninflected form of a verb"; from Late Latin infinitivus, "unlimited, indefinite"; from Latin, infinitus, "unbounded, unlimited"' from in-, "not, opposite of" + finitus, "defining, definite", from finis, "end".
2. Etymology: "a simple, uninflected form of a verb"; from Late Latin infinitivus, "unlimited, indefinite"; from Latin, infinitus, "unbounded, unlimited"' from in-, "not, opposite of" + finitus, "defining, definite", from finis, "end".
A very large quantity that can't be measured, numbered, nor limited: The infinitude of the universe makes it impossible for mankind to express or measure the amount or degree of it.
Infinitus est numerus stultorum. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Infinite is the number of fools."
1. Unlimited space, time, distance, quantity, etc.; extending beyond any measure or comprehension; without beginning or end; endless: Beyond the Earth we find infinity.
2. Very great; vast; immense: such as, space or time: Outer space provides an infinity of stars.
3. In mathematics, the concept of being unlimited by always being larger than any imposed value or boundary: Infinity exists beyond or is greater than any arbitrarily large value.
4. In photography, a distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus: Shirley set the lens on her camera to infinity so objects at a distance would be in focus.
2. Very great; vast; immense: such as, space or time: Outer space provides an infinity of stars.
3. In mathematics, the concept of being unlimited by always being larger than any imposed value or boundary: Infinity exists beyond or is greater than any arbitrarily large value.
4. In photography, a distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus: Shirley set the lens on her camera to infinity so objects at a distance would be in focus.
Nascentes morimur finisque ab origine pendet. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "From the moment of birth, we begin to die and the end hangs from the beginning."
An alternate meaning: "Every day, starting from birth, we die a little."
A petroleum product that is colorless and odorless, and which is often used to make candles, to seal open jars of food, etc.: Sabina's grandmother used melted paraffin to seal her jars of jam so no air or bacteria could get into them and spoil them.
refine (verb), refines; refined; refining
To clean up or to perfect a product by removing impurities or mistakes: Ivan asked his college roommate to refine his essay which he was preparing for his history class because he wanted to make sure that he made no grammatical errors.
1. The process by which impurities are removed from a product: The liquid sugar syrup was sent to the factory for refinement into several grades of granulated sugar.
2. The possession of good manners and appropriate social skills: Mike's great grandmother told him once that when she was a young girl, she was sent to boarding school to learn the refinements expected of young ladies of her generation.
2. The possession of good manners and appropriate social skills: Mike's great grandmother told him once that when she was a young girl, she was sent to boarding school to learn the refinements expected of young ladies of her generation.
Someone or something that has the function to improve the quality of a substance or product: The sugar refiner worked overtime in order to meet the demand of the sweetener for the local restaurants and grocery stores.
In Adam's city, there are "Essay Consultants" who are qualified refiners who can improve students' college essays, for a price.